Vodafone DX
Digital Experience Transformation
Ecommerce (eShop) for business and personal customers
Develop and align the ‘buy’ journeys between personal, business and transiting customers for broadband and mobile.
My Role
Lead UX/UI Designer for the Digital Experience ‘Buy Design Team’
12 month contract
My Responsibilities
_Discovery workshops
_Digital strategy
_Customer interviews and analysis
& Mindmap
_Information architecture
_Rapid ideation and user testing
_Wireframing and prototyping
_User Interface design
_Interactive design
_Design system
Vodafone setup the Digital Experience (DX) program to explore what a more digitally integrated future could look like. DX was made up of multiple squads, each concentrating on different parts of the business.
I lead the 'Buy Design Team' that consisted of four other product designers.
We were tasked with aligning the ‘buy’ journeys between consumer, business and transitioning customers for mobile and broadband.
After a number of workshops with the relevant stakeholders, we;
__1. reviewed the personal, business and transition journeys
__2. defined the challenges that needed to be resolved
__3. applied the relevant digital strategy and solution method
__4. designed the proposed alignment
Feedback was sought (from stakeholders) at every step of this process.
1. Review
__We reviewed all the different customer journeys identifying the challenges
2. Challenges
Design Issues
__Conflicting eShop UX & UI
__Sequences not aligned
__Current build not scalable
__Processes are confusing
Build Issues
__Conflicted with Design Principles
__Very ‘lateral’ and time consuming
__Extended checkout sequence (one message per screen)
__Building tech debt
__Multiple eShops being built (‘no line of sight’)
3. Strategy & solution method
__Single sequence (one eShop)
__One ‘buy’ pattern (consistent)
__Useable for all products even future unreleased products or services
__Prioritise what has already been built
__Exiting business rules
__Feasibility to deliver
__Flexibility to work with the delivery plan
“Inspire confidence in our customers so they are equipped and ready to make a decision”
4. Proposed alignment
__The proposed alignment resolved all the challenges and applied the strategy and solution method
Proposed eShop solution
Design system
__Alongside my work on the eShop, I was also tasked with developing a Design System that could provided consistent UI themes, components and modules, aligning both the design and development squads.